Multi-Factor Authentication MFA

Multi-Factor Authentication


WebChart EHR Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is available in all systems (RC202009+) but is disabled by default. Once MFA is enabled for a system, each user requiring MFA needs to be set up individually.

Security Level

WebChart EHR supports three levels of MFA. The level of security can be selected on a per-user basis to meet your organization’s needs.

  • Only for Super-User functions (Least Security)
  • When the system deems appropriate (More Security)
  • At every login (Maximum Security)

Password Type

WebChart EHR supports two options for the second factor password:

  • Time-based
  • Counter-based

MIE strongly recommends a time-based password; however, a counter-based password is an available option for those users that may have difficulty quickly typing a 6-digit number or have a device which does not reliably keep the current time.

General Set Up

Once MFA is enabled for a system, each user can be configured from their Edit User page. Setup is completed most easily on a device that has 2D barcode scanning capability by following the prompts in WebChart and on your device; however, setup can also be completed with a device that does not support barcode scanning.

Enterprise Health Documentation

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