Employer/Employee Second Portal Setup

Setting up a portal for your employee’s to access is available in Enterprise Health . Your MIE Implementer will help with initial setup and configuration, but this help guide also helps for any edits or changes that may need done later down the road. Initial portal setup is in help guide named Employer-Employee Portal Setup.pdf
There may be a need for a second portal of a different url and different users related to different provider organizations, etc accessing that specific portal than accessing the initial Generic Portal that comes by default. To set up an additional portal:
From the sidemenu tab Provider Management, then click Add New Provider Organization to set up and name a second portal.

Enter in a name for this provider organization if one doesn’t already exist. For this help guide, we will be using the name Top Level as an example of a second portal.

The screen will refresh to the Overview page of the newly created provider organization.

In this Overview tab, scroll down to the bottom section named Chart Types and click to expand that section. Add an additional chart type of Portal to this chart. Then click the NEXT button to save the work.

After you click NEXT, click the Overview chart tab again to refresh the entire page. You will then see all the portal setup tabs at the top being applied since you set this provider organization chart to be an additional chart type of “portal”.

Click the Portal Setup tab and begin configuration. See other help guide titled Employer-Employee Portal Setup.pdf. Then see additional help guide titled Employer-Employee Portal Menu Layout.pdf to set up the portal options for this new second portal.
At any time, you can see what your real second portal will look like. First make sure you have a “supervisor” relationship on your username to another test user. Also make sure you are linked to your own chart as NoMoreClipboard User role (MIE Implementers can link to a test patient).

Simply go to the sidemenu tab Quick View, then have the portlet named Employee Portal displayed on your screen. Within the Employee Portals section you will see a button for the second portal you created. Click on that.

You will access the second portal and see the configuration you set up for it.

Enterprise Health Documentation

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